Anyway the wind blows...

Un compendio sul Nulla, dal Nulla per molti. A compendium about Nothing, from Nothing, for many.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

To F.

We will never get there
Where hopes tremble and people bend their backs
Out to a sunny and blissful end

The shaking image
(A dream to walk on)
Some fear the route
Others beg to stay

We will never get there
Where colours fade and strangers fall
Into the trenches of a stupid love

A second truth
(The unveiled face)
Some made it up
Others loved to believe

We will never get there
Where machines feed the poor

Over the surface
Over your opinions
Over the things in sight where
Others get lost and fade into despair


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and if had just one more day
i'd tell you everything
everything i had to say..


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:35:00 pm  

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